There is - Allah! As proven in the holy scriptures of the only true holy book - the Qur'an. As proclaimed by the only true prophet - Muhammad!
And about 30,000 others......pick yours....or not.
There is - Allah! As proven in the holy scriptures of the only true holy book - the Qur'an. As proclaimed by the only true prophet - Muhammad!
And about 30,000 others......pick yours....or not.
so my husband (who was never a jw) saw a christian bumper sticker today and asked me if the witnesses have any.
i said no (not that i know of anyway) so here are a few he came up with.. 'honk if you're a zombie'.
'my other car is noah's ark'.
Jehovah's People - Generations ahead of 99.9% of the World.
how could jesus have been a perfect human on earth if he was born from mary?
doesn't thewatchtower believe since we are all sons and daughters of adam and eve, that we are all genetically imperfect?
so if mary also came from adam and eve like the rest of us but gave birth to jesus then wouldn't jesus have been born imperfectlike the rest of us?.
In fact, some religious thinkers a long time ago decided that the only way that an imperfect woman could have a perfect child was if she herself was born sinless
Right! To sinful parents. Go figure. I need Tylenol.
i started with christians in mind, but broadened the scope to include all faiths.. question is posed to help solve a dilemma:.
if yes what is that age and what is the scriptural basis.. if no why do believers insist on forcing their children to become believers at a very young age?
if when they turn adults and decide that they want to worship a particular deity, that deity will welcome them regardless of age.. without a doubt, the mind of a child is like a sponge and activities and surrounding at a young age leave a lasting impression on the path to adulthood.. if we, as parents, are striving to provide a well-balanced upbringing, strive to teach our children diversity, insist on or live to provide a better life for our offspring, why on earth are we indoctrinating them with a set of one-sided values that are often tattooed on them for life?.
5 days and 117 views later there is not a single response.
Statistically, at least half of the views should have been by believers, not to mention that the subject line is pretty specific.
Is my question that stupid, or is it that dead on?
not saying that's my personal opinion, but this week's congregation bible study asks the viewpoint question, "would apostate literature or internet sites intrigue you or repulse you?
"- jeremiah book, page 70, para 7. .
gotta love it.. i guess apostate sites are like crime scenes.
Thanks. I hate you too...
here's an interview with my buddy gregg i did last year when an elder visited him.
he was a bit shook up at the time but he handled himself really well imo.
Ray, I like you brother, but I have to pick on a few points:
"....since I feel God could easily have flooded Noah's local area and Noah then did his best to preserve the animals around him, all as an illustration of how God can save people."
Purely speculative. The Book itself says it was global. Did god lie?
But you say I am missing the bigger picture, ie, this means that you think anyone that believes in God is a fool?
Strawman. Bloody Hotdogs never says that, you do. ^^^
Or perhaps you feel someone that thinks there is a higher power than us in the universe is "mentally diseased"?
Strawman. Bloody Hotdogs never says that, you do. ^^^
And how many MILLIONS of intelligent men and women firmly know in their hearts there must be a God? Are they all crazy and ignorant also.
Ghandi said that if people would just listen to the Sermon on the Mount and try and follow it war would be a thing of the past and paradise on earth could be achieved. Not bad for such a silly book huh?
I do not doubt for a moment that you are a smart and logical person, yet we are all sometimes guilty of breaking (or ignoring) the very logic we use to grow in our quest for truth.
All the best.
i just stumbled uopn this 79 second video on youtube and find it quite disturbing.. is it just me?.
Wrong on many levels....
I recently asked the believers on the board the question of Why Kids Should be Involved in Religion? and interestingly didn't get a single reply after close to 100 views....
what is considered as a requirement for them now-a-days to turn in their time as a "publisher?
" among born-in, how young were you?
my parents became jws when i was 9 yrs old.
Pulse - check.
Breathing - check.
Good to go.....
so a question i always wondered about growing up was how do the annointed know that they are annointed and how does that conversation go down when you approach the elders about "being chosen".
how do they prove that they get to taste the wine and eat the bread?
i knew two sisters who were "annointed" and now that i've been out for quite a while i look back and think, did they know that they were lying or did they truly believe?
A standard Watchtower answer given to me by my attempted indoctrinator study conductor was that they " Know just like you know if you are a man or a woman".
May as well use it and if you decide to sip and nibble tell them that you know "just like you know you are a man or a woman"
sorry i couldn't resist!
sorry if this joke has already been told here :-/.
I thought the headline continues in the body of the message as:
"...tells everyone to go f**k themselves"